19 September 2011



the story:janie's and my parents have know each other since childhood, so when my family moved to montgomery, janie and my older sister became fast friends. janie (and her larger-than-life hairbows) was a constant fixture of my childhood and has become a friend and sister to me. 


your [soundtrack]: "roll away your stone" by mumford & sons. "faint not" by jenny & tyler. "all i need" by j.j. heller. "beautiful" by kari jobe. "poison & wine" by the civil wars.

your [rough draft]: philippians, ruth, esther, ecclesiastes, lady in waiting by jackie kendall, redeeming love by francine rivers, passion and purity by elizabeth elliott,  the giving tree by shel silverstein, pride and prejudice by jane austen... just to name a few.

your [shade]: yellow. it has positive connotations.

words to [live] by: "be truthful, gentle, and fearless." [ghandi]

you [love]: people who are simple, positive peggys, lemonade, fall weather, nail polish, my family.

you [hate]: poverty, raisins, ignorance, negative nancys.

your [purpose]: to love Jesus with all my heart mind, and soul. and to love others.

you [believe]: in loving people unconditionally.

your [influence]: my dad. he has such a way of making complicated things simple. he portrays the character of Christ in every situation.

you [admire]: those who are accepting of others. selflessness.

your [escape]: going for a nice jog or walk in pretty weather. 

your [origins]: montgomery. i love it because of the people. they make it home.

your [fondest] memory: the famous sock war game held at the wolf den.

your most [embarrassing] moment: i was deborah the prophetess in a church play in elementary school. i was supposed to give a description of my character and then say, "who am i?" so the audience would have to guess. but of course after i gave my lines, instead of just saying "who am i?" i said, "i'm deborah. who am i?" fail. 

your biggest [challenge]: changing schools in the middle of high school... it ended up being a nice little blessing.

your [proudest] moment: the moment i completed my twenty-page thesis paper my senior year of high school. also, i had to defend my thesis in front of five intimidating teachers, two of whom had their doctorates. i was glistening a little bit!

with my sister mary!

you [wish] to meet: mother teresa... but she's dead.

you [want] to be: a woman after God's own heart who is always learning with a humble heart and teaching with the boldness and wisdom that comes from Christ. 

your [wildest] dream: to raise children in an orphanage somewhere in a third world country.

your [childhood] ambition: to be a ballerina.

your [pet peeves]: pessimistic people. not much else gets on my nerves.

your [guilty] pleasures: the bachelorette!

your [site]: janiestein.tumblr.com

your [last] purchase: two skirts from a consignment shop.

your [location]: i'm a senior elementary education major at troy university.

surprise [us]: i have a kind of mischievous side. i called my mom "pisceycoe" when i was little. i also had two imaginary friends named plarky and revy. i was an odd little girl with  a big imagination, i reckon!

you [are]: positive.

 janie, you are sugar. i am convinced there is no one on this earth as sweet as you, miss janie steindorff. you have held on to all the good parts of being a little girl, but you've also developed an astounding wisdom. you see the good in everyone and approach everyday as the gift that it is. you are sassy and classy and crazy. thank you for making this world brighter. keep loving life, my precious girl.

you are [delightful].


  1. W hat a delightful surprise for me to happen upon this blog post via Facebook tonight. You well summed up our Janie! I am so proud of my niece- always have been and always will be! What a generous outpouring of affection and brotherly love!

    Aunt Fran

  2. I should rephrase that as "sisterly love"!
