16 February 2013


This week's episode of my life featured a very special guest star: JAY WOLF! My sweet dad was in Kenya and Madagascar for IMB-related adventures, and we all decided it would be a crime if he came to Africa without swinging by Jo'burg. We only had about twenty-four hours together, but (in true Jay Wolf fashion) we wrung them dry. Best Valentine's Day of all time, hands down. There is nothing better for the heart than a dose of dad. He is a world class encourager, motivator, and listener. I am thanking the Lord for this blessing in a major way!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Alex that warmed our heart to hear that you were able to spend some time with your dad. We were hoping that something like that would work out. Please know that Haygood and I are lifting you up in our prayers and we look forward to hearing more about your trip when you return. We love you so much, Beth and Haygood
