the story: kerrily and family moved to montgomery the summer after my sophomore year of high school. she joined my church and roomed with me at camp. the first time i met her i knew she was no typical teenager. we clicked pretty immediately, and we've been kindred spirits ever since.
your {soundtrack}: "on the sunny side of the street" by louis armstrong, "c.s. lewis song" and "shadowfeet" by brooke fraser, "everything is magic" by angels and airwaves, "crush" by david archuletta, "my girl" by the temptations.
your {rough draft}: any of c.s. lewis's and mark twain's writings, the wooster and jeeves series, the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy series, irish fairytales... and hundreds of other books.
your {shade}: purple! because the best sunsets always have purple in them.
your {inspiration}: to be old someday and have lived a wonderful, thrilling, important life.
words to {live} by: what does the Lord require of you? to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. {micah 6:8}
for we are not long here. out time is but a breath, so we'd better breathe it. {brooke fraser}
to be a christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. {c.s. lewis}
you {love}: quirky people (such as alex wolf), sunshine, toddlers, taking the perfect picture, scarves, people-watching, nursing, LIFE.
you {hate}: that awkward moment after all the small talk is done when you can't decide if it's appropriate to ask: "how are you doing, for real?"
you {believe} in: God's ability to bring good from situations that i've royally messed up.
your {escape}: running, dreaming, singing.
your {origins}: nowhere, honestly. i love it because i have nothing holding me to any particular place but people, and people can travel.
your {fondest} memory: my entire childhood all over the place. i adore my family, and how my parents raised us.
your biggest {challenge}: recently, making time for anything other than school.
you {wish} you could meet: p.g. whodehouse, douglas adams, celtic woman, groucho marx.
you want to {be}: amy carmichael. and look like katherine heigl.
your {wildest} dream: to build/run an orphanage in a third world country.
your {pet peeves}: when people argue just for kicks.
your last {purchase}: phineas and ferb soundtrack.
your {location}: college... majoring in nursing.
your {childhood ambition}: to be a physical therapist overseas. and to be taller than my mom.
your most {embarrassing} moment: i was 13 and buying a train ticket and the machine decided to break on me and out gushed three euros worth of ten-cent coins, spilling out onto the floor, going everywhere. then i had to pick them all up and try again. the people in line behind me hated my guts for those three minutes.
{surprise} us: i really, really hate icing/frosting. nasty.
{describe} yourself: focused.
kerrily, you are a jewel. beautiful, precious, and rare. you are an old soul, and you share your wisdom so freely. you are compassionate, level-headed, mature, joyful, genuine and you teach me something new every time we talk. your will life will save so many people. keep sparkling, you gem.
you are {delightful}.